Friday, May 13, 2011

Easter Sunday!!!

Dude! The expectations Mars Hill set were for 500 baptisms and 20,000 people.
The final count came in at 724 baptisms and 17,500 in attendance!
God showed up on a dreary Sunday afternoon in the 5th least churched city in the United States and saved people.
The pictures:
The Volunteers arrived early with a great attitude!
We ran out of ponchos!
Tim Smith with Bryan and Dustin Kensrue
Pastor Mark delivering a forceful sermon all about Jesus.
Pastor Mark's Full Sermon
Wow what an event. Generations will be impacted by what happened here today. So on Sunday how did I help? I was a leader for the North side baptism crew. My role was to run (literally) members of the baptism team from the field to the North tunnel and pair them with people getting baptized coming down the freight elevator from the 300 level. It was pandemonium! We setup careful teams to coordinate all the baptism activities but as soon as people responded to be baptized everything fell apart and then God showed up. We ran out of everything! Towels, small, medium, and large sizes of T-Shirts and Shorts. In 42 minutes, 724 people were baptized!!! That's 17.2 people baptized a minute!! It was epic.
Wow I can't believe that I was privileged to serve in such an amazing Jesus-centered event.

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