Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gospel Coaching

Miles Run:35.38
Miles Biked:65.75
Total Miles:101.13
Days to Rainier:153
Summit Team:7.55
Aspirin Tablets:25

Had my longest run on Friday. Just under 6 miles. This is the profile:

All went well except for a nagging pain in my left Achilles tendon. But the Aspirin has been a particularly good vintage. It's floral bouquet hints at apples and pears with a distinct wisp of canvased caravels breaking through the August surf along Dutch trade routes bounding from old to new World...Umm okay. Why did I go there? Was I trying to mock the people who write the descriptions on scotch and wine bottles? Was I trying to be over the top with my use of the word "vintage"? Man, I don't know just pretend that my literary verve was inspir...Aww forget it. Moving right along.
Today was a great time of learning for me. I woke up 2 hours late, called Michael at the church and asked him to cover for me. He turned around on his drive home from church and served in my stead while battling a brutal cold. Then I enjoyed the privilege of apologizing to everyone about my lack of leaderliness even after promising to start our pre-service meetings promptly to open the leader's time with their teams. I limped through the morning services on my foot until the church's extra-strength fancy pills kicked in. While I was wallowing in self-reprimands, Pastor Noreiga and then Pastor Cliff hit me with some great Gospel Coaching. I needed to hear their words and be reminded of the doctrine of the Union with Christ. God used these men to break me out of my self-absorbed idiocy and focus on my identity.
Then I "taught" (more like I presented some fantastic material (not from me(wow a parentheses inside a's like my abstract algebra days)) to dArrell, Bernice, Mindy, and Matt then David explained it so well that all of us were blown away by the force of the Gospel). I gleaned the material from a Re:Train event when Pastor Scott Thomas blew my mind with an amazing systematic method for serving pastors using a non-secular coaching practicum. No lame Maslow BS therapy here. So the material served our Leaders at the West Seattle Campus, and I look forward to seeing it implemented effectively.
Man my I have put no effort into transitions lately, probably because I slam out these posts in like 4 minutes each (Sry fer alll dhe tip[]s!). But Phil, Karina, Paul (the only man I ever told, "Paul you intimidate me...I don't know what to say to you"), and I attended Brian Chapell's lecture at the UDistrict Campus on the Doctrine of Christian Unity with Christ. He was...dang it. My words are failing me again. I thought I had cultivated a tolerable understanding of the nuevo lingua franca. However my English iz how vous sez, nit su goud. Chapell rocks. He made Noreiga tear up a little. That is very rare. Chapell has been through hell in his life and had been deeply affected by the Gospel. "The best preachers and teachers have the deepest scars," I think I remember Driscoll saying that. After the powerful word, the four of us hung out, and I had the honor of sharing my city with two newly arrived Germans. We started in the aforementioned district of U. from there we progressed West-ward until we reached the center of the universe...which some less knowledgeable physicists might refer to as Fremont. We enjoyed some fine Greco-Turkish food before seeing the dreaded Troll.

Bet you were expecting some awkward attempt at a humorous anecdote...Well the picture really says it all...
We then Enjoyed the dark night at Gasworks Park and finally ventured up to Kerry Park. The view was clear from Magnolia to West Seattle, from Elliott Bay to Capitol Hill it was beautiful. The night was one of those amazing memories you rarely get to make with dear friends.
Before I type myself to sleep, I've got to tell you about Amber. She went with some of us last Summer to Mt. Rainier during one of my little Camp Muir and back day hikes. She decided oh yeah, whatever its just Muir, I'll bring my Snowboard. So we all slowly hike up and she casually strolls to the camp. Then after enjoying some sun rays, and as we desperately try to suppress our impending fatigue-related aneurysms, she casually says, "See you at the bottom" and coolly exits on her board closing the distance to the parking lot at Paradise in record time. Okay that was mostly hyperbole...but she is one of those hardcore hikers. She sounded interested in the Rainier summit, but she declined my option because she wants to summit "straight". That means she wants to go from 200ft above sea level to 14,410ft above sea level and back in less than 16 hours with no acclimatization. And you know what she could do it. She is hardcore, and I respect that.
Well I have placed more content on the internet. My civic duty is done. See all of you next...event that has a periodicity of between two and three days.

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